导语:通过读了《茶花女》,我更加相信世上的真爱,茶花女为了爱人的前途和幸福,无私的付出,默默的奉献。下面是作文汇小编为您收集整理的读后感,希望对您有所帮助。 茶花女读后感_第1篇: "La Traviata" this work is a 19th...
介绍妈妈的英语作文_100字 1年前导语:天下母亲都是那么的伟大,天下歌颂母亲的美文不胜枚举,天下母亲对孩子都是爱,天下孩子写母亲都是情。下面是yjbys作文汇小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 妈妈英语作文_第1篇: I have a beautiful and hard-working mo...
有关情人节的英语作文_3000字 1年前情人节又叫圣瓦伦丁节或圣华伦泰节,即每年的2月14日,是西方的传统节日之一。下面是小编为大家分享的情人节的英语作文,希望大家喜欢!篇一:浪漫的情人节It's in the winter holiday, February 14th, my girlfriend and I...
关于业余爱好的英语作文_900字 1年前Today many college students have their own hobbies. For example, some of them like singing; some of them enjoy playing the guitar; some of ...
1、难忘的假期生活My winter holiday is intersting, my winter holiday is very interesting.I can play a computer and watch a TV in the home.I still rea...
我的好习惯英语作文_300字 1年前In the morning. First, I get up. Next, I brush my teeth. Then, I wash my face. After that, I have breakfast. At last, I go to school.In the ...
范文一 It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. Many animals go to sleep. T...
导语:世界上,每一位子女都像一只风筝,有时,虽然已飞得很高,很远,但总有一根不断的线牵引着,绳的那头就是永远牵挂着我们的妈妈。下面是YJBYS作文汇小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 妈妈的英语作文(1) My mother is a doctor, she ...
导语:所谓创新,概括地说,就是继成前人,又不因循守旧;借鉴别人,又有所独创。下面是yjbs作文汇小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 创新的英语作文(1) Germany's Goethe said: "to grow, you must be ...
My hometown - zigong is referred to as the hometown of dinosaurs, salt city, the city of lights. Old street is very narrow, the house is n...
The four seasons is beautiful in nature. Abundant sprout in the spring, summer, autumn harvest, in the winter, we in this world because the...
冬季英语作文_2000字 1年前冬季虽然寒冷,但是冬季却是最美的,下面一起去阅读小编为你整理的冬季英语作文汇,希望大家喜欢!冬季英语作文1I like winter best. I often go skiing on Sundays with my family. When it snows, everyth...
冬季长跑英语作文_3000字 1年前天阴沉沉的,还刮着北风,这是入冬以来最冷的一天。这天,我们学校迎来了一年一度的冬季长跑比赛。下面小编为你整理了冬季长跑英语作文,希望能帮到你!冬季长跑英语作文(1)Today, the school held a winter long-distance race.Our cla...
How time flies! My three-year middle school life will be over soon. Looking back, I have many memories of my English study. 时间过得真快!我三年的初中生...
用英语写春节的作文_3000字 1年前春节,是我们中华民族的传统节日,它代表着团圆、幸福、平安。下面是小编收集整理的用英语写春节的作文,希望对您有所帮助!Article one: celebrate the Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is coming! The Sprin...
理智网购的英语作文_2000字 1年前网络购物让购物变得更加简单,但是请理智进行。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的理智网购的英语作文,欢迎参考!理智网购的英语作文一With the development of the e-commerce, more and more people intent to do the s...
the presence of students, ladies and teachers, everyone! i was prepared intervals of cloud today, in honor here entitled "technology an...
冬天虽然寒冷,但却美丽。美好的就像纯洁的一切。下面是小编为大家搜集整理出来的有关于我最喜爱的冬天英语作文,希望可以帮助到大家!【我喜欢的冬天的英语作文 篇一】Long long winter vacation finally came.But, haven't waiti...
关于国庆节英语作文_800字 1年前The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it's been 61 years of ...
英语作文自由飞翔_1200字 1年前One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and siz...
快乐的假期过去了,我们又开始了新学期的征途。对于新学期,大家有什么计划呢。下面是小编推荐的关于,小学生新学期制订计划的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。新学期计划第一篇The new semesterTime flies like an arrow, the sun is ...
珍惜时间英语作文_3000字 1年前时间是最平凡的,也是最珍贵的。金钱买不到它,地位留不住它。小编整理的关于珍惜时间的作文,欢迎大家一起来看看!珍惜时间英语作文一:If you ask me what is the most precious, I would say that it’s time. Time is...
环保的英语演讲稿3篇_2500字 1年前下面是语文迷网为大家整理提供的关于环保的英语演讲稿范文,供大家参考选择。 环保的英语演讲稿1: Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen, Today, I am going to make a speech here. My topic is ...
今天我们可能失去了某些珍贵的东西,但明天也许有更好的在等着我们。下面是语文迷网整理的明天会更好的英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读。 第一篇: i was born in beijing and live in beijing, and i love beijing very much....
机器代替人的英语作文_1000字 1年前导语:随着科技的发展,机器人越来越被人们所重用,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...
暑假是我们都很喜欢的假期,你的暑假过得快乐吗?下面是写快乐的暑假生活英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。 篇一:Happy Summer Holidays My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the...