
以金鱼为题的作文(汇总25篇) 1周前以金鱼为题的作文 篇1我家养了三条活泼可爱的小金鱼,它们都十分调皮,其中最漂亮、最调皮的.小金鱼就数一条红白相间的小金鱼了,现在听我来介绍介绍这只小金鱼吧!这条小金鱼被我取名为“调调”,因为它不管在哪个方面都十分调皮,一会往这儿游,一会儿往那儿游,就连换水都很难把“调调”拿出来呢...
Summer is comming.We are very happy.I went on a trip to Hainan today with my family.We went there by plane.After we got off the plane,we ...
端午节与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国民间的四大传统节日。小编整理的端午节英语作文,供参考!关于端午节英语作文1do you know who is "qu yuan"? what type of "zongzi" do you like ...
The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments?" ...
好朋友是我们一生的财富,你最好的朋友是谁呢? Best Friend英语作文1 Everyone has friends.Friendship is very important in our lives.Who is your best friend? M y best...
Penfriend I have a penfriend. His name is Lee. He is a eleven years old American boy. We haven’t seen each other, but we have exchan...
In China, students work so hard, they study day and night, for the purpose of getting the high mark, so that they can go to a better school...
题目: 请以My favorite festival 为题写一篇作文。要求语句通顺,表达清楚。不少于6句话。 可参照以下问题写作:1.What’s your festival? 2. When is it? 3. What do people do? 4. Wh...
小升初英语写作技巧_700字 1年前小升初英语写作技巧之一:用介词短语替代从句,例: 原句:While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning. 修改后:During tennis she starte...
The teacher the classmates: Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is "patriotic" As a Chinese, we should all know th...
I have a dog. My dog name is DuDu. DuDu is 9 years. DuDu is fat. It wears a white coat. DuDu has two big eyes and two small ears. It has on...
Speaking of my student life, it's very interesting. Besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. Of cour...
小学英语作文我的妹妹_3000字 1年前我的妹妹英语作文大家会写吗?以下是小编分享的我的妹妹英语作文范文,一起来阅读吧!...
夏季的午后,清澈湛蓝的天空点缀着飞舞的云雀.下面是语文迷为大家提供的描写夏季的英语作文,欢迎参考。 第一篇:夏季的英语作文 i love summer.summer is a season of bounce ,in which we can swim in the wat...
导语:每个人的生活都大同小异,你的日常生活是怎么样的呢?下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...