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高一年级英语作文范文 低碳生活

投稿:落雨声 年级:高一 时间:1年前 我要投稿

在求学的道路上,写作文往往是一件令人头大的事,经常不知道怎么写,但必须清醒认识到:拥有好的文笔,绝对是受益一生的硬实力。而写作能力的提升,必须从小培养,对于这篇作文题目,建议多看《高一年级英语作文范文 低碳生活》相关范文,多动笔练习《高一年级英语作文范文 低碳生活》相关习作,相信功夫不负有心人。本文由作文汇用户投稿,希望为你的写作带来帮助,如果觉得这篇高一年级英语作文范文 低碳生活1500字不错,记得推荐给同学哦~

On the side of the road can always see a "low-carbon life" slogan, and what is low-carbon life?

Low-carbon life means a low or lower greenhouse gas emissions carbon reduction is mainly in the production such as water wind and solar energy development that we? Actually we can energy saving solar terms from these trivial things. You can also use less paper towels; Switch, unplug the door; As far as possible the use of disposable toothbrush one-time plastic disposable paper cup; Washing machine is a strong cover than weak, save electricity can also extend the life of the machine; If only use the computer to listen to music can turn off the monitor; Turn off unused computer programs to reduce the workload both save electricity and maintenance of computer hard disk.

Now keep in low carbon era, is changing our life. "Low carbon" is on our side. This weekend, we go to the park a kite flying, all suggest that go by car, take a look back at our belt, eat fruits and vegetables, with a handkerchief and towel, happily play outside a day, home is not electricity, how nice!

Actually, low-carbon life is on our side, as long as pay more attention to some, can save a lot of energy. For example: driving less, many trees and flowers, and so on.

Low carbon is a way of life, as long as each of us has some hard, as long as we take action, you can close to low carbon life, protect our common homeland!







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文章标签:高一年级英语作文 低碳生活

本文分享地址:《高一年级英语作文范文 低碳生活1500字》


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