The games opening ceremony, our national flag, sing the national anthem, the scene majestic!
There are many kinds of items of the games, for instance, the track is 60 meters, 100 meters...2500 meters.The players are eager to play to show their elegant demeanor.I think 60 meters Sprint is the most fierce, gunfire "bang!"A ring, athletes are like a fly.800 meters competition is very fierce, two laps around the playground after all it is!Our class athletes wen-jian wang behind, we all students cries, and cheer for him.Unfortunately, bad weather, we are the cries of wind run, we also white Shouting, he still got a first.Through the back of the fierce competition, our class won the second, the two respectively a third, total 13 points.
After two days of intense competition, held the closing ceremony of the second day afternoon, the headmaster speech, conference presentation, games lowered the curtain in the magnificent music.
I'm looking forward to next year's games came at an early date.
这次运动会的项目多种多样,比如,径赛有 60米 、 100米 …… 2500米 。运动员们个个迫不及待的上场展示自己的风采。我觉得 60米 短跑冲刺最激烈,枪声“砰!”的一响,运动员简直都像飞起来一样。 800米 的竞赛也非常激烈,毕竟它是绕操场两圈啊!我们班的运动员王文健落后时,我们全体同学齐声呐喊,为他加油助威。可惜,天公不作美,我们的喊声被大风刮跑了,我们也白喊了,他还是得了个倒是第一。经过后面的激烈争夺,我们班分别获得了两个第二,一个第三,总分十三分。
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