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《Because You Need Me》的歌词 (1000字)

投稿:石头记 时间:1年前 我要投稿

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Song:Because You Need Me

Artist:Heather Headley feat. Chris Mann

Where was I before your love?

Drifting like the clouds above.

And who was I before I knew your name?

A song without a melody,

A road without a destiny.

And how could I have ever known you’d touch me

And I’ll never be the same.

The world is open to me, now,

With you I feel the solid ground beneath me

All because you need me.

And now my life is in your hands,

You gave my heart a second chance to beat,

All because you need me.

I’ve always had this love to give,

But never had a strength within

To be great enough to love with all I am.

You saved me from a wasted night,

You tell me that I saved your life,

A flower crawling for the rain,

I said a prayer for you and then you came.

The world is open to me, now,

With you I feel the solid ground beneath me

All because you need me.

And now my life is in your hands,

You gave my heart a second chance to beat,

All because you need me.

And in your eyes I know where I belong

And here, beside your heart, you keep me strong.

You are the reason I could carry on,

Because you need me.

All because you need, all because you need me.

The world is open to me, now,

With you I feel the solid ground beneath me

All because you need me.

And now my life is in your hands,

You gave my heart a second chance to beat,

All because you need me.

You need me.



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