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Learn to share

投稿:星河水录 年级:高三 时间:1年前 我要投稿

在求学的道路上,写作文往往是一件令人头大的事,经常不知道怎么写,但必须清醒认识到:拥有好的文笔,绝对是受益一生的硬实力。而写作能力的提升,必须从小培养,对于这篇作文题目,建议多看《Learn to share》相关范文,多动笔练习《Learn to share》相关习作,相信功夫不负有心人。本文由作文汇用户投稿,希望为你的写作带来帮助,如果觉得这篇Learn to share作文1200字不错,记得推荐给同学哦~

     Mrs. Bell was a wealthy American woman who owned a garden outside Atlanta. The garden was so big and beautiful that it attracted a lot of tourists and they ran into the garden. Young people dance on the lawn, children catch butterflies in flowers, old people fish on ponds, and some people even plan to spend their summer nights here. Mrs. Bell stood at the window, looking at the happy people, watching them singing and dancing and laughing. The more she looked, the more angry she became. She asked her servant to hang a sign in the garden, which read: private garden, do not enter without permission. But it didn't work, and the people walked into the garden in droves. Mrs. Bell had to let the servant stop, and there was an argument, and someone took the fence away from the garden. Then Mrs Bell came up with a brilliant idea, she let the servant that sign off on the garden outside, put on a new brand, it read: welcome you to visit this, to be on the safe side, owner of the kindergarten special remind everybody, garden there is a snake in the grass. If you are bitten by a venomous snake, please take emergency measures within half an hour. Otherwise, you will be killed. Finally, the nearest hospital is in will town, about 50 minutes drive. It was a wonderful idea, and these avid visitors had seen the sign and put off the beautiful garden. But a few years later, the visitor went to Mrs. Bell's garden, and found that there were too few people walking around because the garden was too big. The snakes ran wild and almost deserted. The lonely bell was too much for her big garden to miss the happy tourists who had come to her garden.


作文汇,中小学生的作文宝库,提供记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文 、诗歌、小说、戏剧、散文等各类优秀作文范文参考,提高写作能力。


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