
导语:中秋节强调的是团圆,他符合中华民族的伦理观,对构建和谐社会是很有意义一个节日。如果把它的文化内涵发掘出来,我们会发现,原来传统中秋节是这么有意思。关于中秋节的英语作文介绍In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbo...
【第一篇】New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New Year'sDay in hote...
与时间有关的谚语素材_1200字 1年前Time tries truth.时间检验真理Time is the father of truth.时间是真理之父Time will tell.时间能说明问题Time brings the truth to light.时间使真相大白。或时间一到,真理自明...
Since I came to high school, I find that I need to do some homework with a group, as it is the teacher's requirement. For me,...
父亲节_500字 1年前Today is Father'Day .i love my father so much that i 've done many things for him. in the morning i bought some flowers ...
"The snows of Kilimanjaro" to say fiction, its essence is not the plot but fully through to people. Therefore, this sh...
my english friend name is jim. he is ten, his family in london,he and his family member comes our china to play.he has a cosin,h...
导语:这个社会需要雷锋精神,我们在日常生活中学会关心他人,理解他人,帮助他人,兢兢业业工作,勤勤恳恳做人。下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...
春风吹走了冬的寒冷与沉寂,带来了春的明媚和热闹,还将春雨吹来了。春雨,沙沙的下,下出了鲜花,下出了小草,下出了小鱼一条条,下醒了花草树木,下醒了鸟兽鱼虫,下来了孩子出来玩。 The spring breeze blows away the winter cold and si...
五一劳动节英语作文_600字 1年前Week-long Holidays,Good or Bad?What's Your Opinion? Our National Day is coming. We shall have days of rest,presumably weeklong holiday...
On November 11, 1918, the last 4 years of the first world war in Britain, the United States, France and other countries win and Germany, th...
我的好朋友作文英语_2500字 1年前朋友是什么?朋友可以给你鼓励,可以给你关心,可以给你帮助。下面为大家分享了我的好朋友作文,欢迎借鉴!我的好朋友作文1My good friend is Mei. She’s a girl. She is my mate.Mei is tall and thin. She has ...
学雷锋纪念日到了,下面语文迷小编精心为大家整理了学雷锋的英语演讲稿范文,希望对你有帮助。 篇一 students in this 9.6 million square kilometers of land, which his uncle did not know the ...
运动会的英语作文_700字 1年前Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t ha...
It is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day world. Land resources are dwindling becaus...
余额宝之我见 My View on YuE Bao Alipay’s YuE Bao as an online payment platform in China, is rapidly gaining popularity among online retail...
污染环境的英语作文_2500字 1年前污染环境的英语作文应该要如何写呢?以下便是小编为大家整理的污染环境的英语作文范文,希望能给大家带来帮助。污染环境的英语作文【1】I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave...
【范文】 I have a brother.He name is Jim.He is shorter than me.He is very smart.He has a short hair and two big eyes .He is of medium build.He...
【范文】 Pandas have a white coat with black fur around their eyes, on their ears, muzzle, legs and shoulders. The unique physical features of...
St. Valentine's Day is an informal observance of a lover's holiday. Today, the observance has no connection with the many legendary...
描写旅游的英语作文_1200字 1年前This time we the class to Long Geng time to travel, we can be happy, can't wait to sing loudly! The time we sat on the bus, we talking...
初中英语作文给朋友写电子邮件介绍健身房的基本情况2你的朋友Dennis想到你常去的健身房锻炼身体,写一封电子邮件给他优秀作文 ,向他介绍健身房的基本情况。电子邮件的开头部分已经写出。其余部分应包括以下内容:1.健身房内的基本设施。2.健身房开放时间和联系电话。DearDennis...
英语素材:情绪表达词_300字 1年前表达情绪英语词汇: 1.confident 自信的 2.hysterical 歇斯底里的;异常兴奋的 3.mischievous 搞怪的(人、行为等)恶作剧的;淘气的;有害的 4.smug 自鸣得意的;自以为是的;整洁的 5.surprised 惊讶的...
①强调句 〔原文〕I met him in the street yesterday. 〔修正〕It was in the street that I met him yesterday. It was yesterday that I met him in the st...
A good friend of mine is Zhang Yachun. Her eyes are big and round, bright, like a black pearl, beautiful black hair, like heaven planetesim...
元旦英语作文_1500字 1年前篇一 New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New Year'sDay in hote...
腊八节的来历英语作文_3000字 1年前腊八节,俗称“腊八” ,即农历十二月初八,古人有祭祀祖先和神灵、祈求丰收吉祥的传统,下面是我为大家带来的腊八节的来历英语作文,希望大家喜欢。腊八节的来历英语作文Legend about the origin of this festivity abounds One mainta...
英语作文堪比印刷体_300字 1年前网上曝光了衡水中学学生手写的英语作文,这些作文竟然堪比印刷体。从学生作文的批改痕迹看,老师在这些堪比印刷体的作文中起了关键作用,一些字母的长度不对,老师干脆就判定单词错误。 ...
下面是语文迷小编为大家整理提供的国庆节计划的英语作文,欢迎大家参考选择。 国庆节计划英语作文一 Suddenly, the National Day has arrived. The seven days I can not waste time, so I have to...
Midautumn Festival, is a China's ancient holiday, because in August 15 this day is in autumn center, therefore is called Midautumn Fest...