  • 传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人,我们看看下面的愚人节计划英语作文汇!愚人节计划英语作文1in the 16th century, people celebrated new year's day from march 25 to ...
  • 环境与发展的英语作文Development and the EnvironmentIt is undeniable that the worsening environment has become the biggest concern of the present-day w...
  • In the last winter vacation, a primary school in addition to travel, I almost spend all day swim in the sea of books. Even so, but I still ...
  • I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. Her voice is better. She is goo...
  • I do not like teamwork in most time. Because I think it is hard for the whole team to hold the same view. It is a waste of time to argue wi...
  • 运动使人保持青春。以下是小编带来的my favourite sport英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 my favourite sport英语作文(一) I like badminton and basketball,basketball is my favourite spo...
  • 春天是个美丽的季节,下面是小编整理的描写春天的英语作文,欢迎阅读参考!描写春天的英语作文一There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes...
  • 动物是人类的朋友,我们应该爱护动物,那么大家心目中动物的形象是怎样的呢?下面就是小编跟大家分享一篇描写关于动物的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读!描写动物的英语作文篇一I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends.They can do ...
  • 九月十日是教师节,赶紧为老师们送上祝福吧。下面请看语文迷整理的Happy Teachers' Day英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 Happy Teachers' Day英语作文一: Before Teachers' Day, we were think...
  • 学生在写英语作文时,如果只用一些简单的语句平铺直叙,那么,写出来的文章就会像白开水一样乏善可陈,没有可读性。下面语文迷网为大家带来了英语写作的高分技巧,希望对你有帮助。 技巧1:扩充词汇量,避免重复使用同一词语 英语作文主要看文章的连贯度,而词汇量的多少很大程度上决定着考生...
  • 父母对孩子的爱是无私的,关于你的父母你又了解他们多少呢,下面就一起来看看吧 ...
  • Last month I went to an amusement park, because I had an excellent grade on my final exam. At the beginning when we drove thro...

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