
中国春节“过年”的英语作文,外国朋友John想了解中国的春节,根据下列题纲给外国朋友写一封信:1、春节在中国人中的地位2、春节前,人们……3、春节期间,人们……参考词汇:对联couplet 爆竹firecrackerDear John,How time flies! Four m...
范文 Teacher esteemed and beloved , beloved schoolmates: Everybody be fine! Today I ask the examination questions giving a lecture to be &qu...
Looking forward to! Looking forward to ah, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, thought of here, I couldn't help laughing, before th...
导语:春节是中国传统的节日,就像外国的圣诞节一样重要。春节还要放烟花、吃年夜饭、贴对联、拜年和收压岁钱。下面是YJBYS作文汇小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 春节的英语作文(1) The Spring Festival make me happy, why...
What is a friend? A friend is when I have difficulty to help, when I meet to worry how to share for me; When I am happy to share... With th...
描写我的家乡英语作文_50字 1年前My hometown is very beautiful, I love my hometown. Spring, can enjoy the river scenery; Can be carefully listening to the sound of the win...
In fact, every teacher like different kinds of sugar. English teacher is more like a chocolate, after the first bitter sweet, delicious, li...
随着社会的快速发展,越来越多的人认识到创新的重要性。以下是小编带来的关于创新的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 关于创新的英语作文(一) The Importance of Innovation “Mindless habitual behavior is the ...
足球的知识英语作文_3000字 1年前对于足球的了解大家知道的有多少呢?接下来小编搜集了足球的知识英语作文,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。篇一:足球的知识英语作文Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.For those of you who are unfamil...
April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting...
青春英语演讲稿2_1000字 1年前First I want to ask you some questions: 1、 Do you know what is youth? 2、 How do you master your youth? Youth Youth is not a time of lif...
New term is coming, all things have changed, but one thing I have never forgot, which is studying studying and studying. Next term, I will ...
圣诞树下礼物多,一份惊喜,一份祝福;平安夜下喜事多,一份感慨,一份庆贺;圣诞节日快乐多,一份沉醉,一份诉说!圣诞节到了,愿你快快乐乐,健健康康,开开心心,甜甜蜜蜜好幸福!以下是小编带来的圣诞节英语作文,希望对你有帮助。圣诞节英语作文(一)Today is Christmas Da...
August 1 each year is the anniversary of the People‘s Liberation Army, also called the "August 1" Army Day. Its origin is: at 2:00...
"It's snowing!" I shouted in surprise, large tracts of goose feather snow down, ah! Looking good! The tree, on the roof, the ...
英语夏令营英语作文范文_900字 1年前This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province. There were over a hun...
竞选英语科代表的演讲稿_300字 1年前敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们:你们好!我叫xx,我爱好唱歌、跳舞,特长英语、音乐,竞选英语科代表演讲稿。这次,我要竞选的职位是英语课代表。我喜爱英语,成绩更是在班里名列前茅。甚至有时候玩游戏我都玩英语的,虽然有些我不会念,但慢慢来,总是能学会的。再说了,这几年我一直都是英语课代表,有...
导语:一年四季,春夏秋冬,它们各有各的特色。不同的人喜欢的季节也不一样,那么你喜欢的季节是什么?下面和小编一起来看看吧!有关四季英语作文1:四季There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, fall and ...
写万圣节的英语作文_100字 1年前Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means holy evening, and it comes every October 31, the evening befor...
我爸爸的工作英语作文_600字 1年前My father is a nice man. He likes to play computer games. He is an owner of a factory which produces many things .He is good at designing. H...
中国人口问题英语作文_3000字 1年前中国是一个人口大国。为了解决人口问题,我国政府决定实施独生子女政策。执行一段时间后,许多人不仅看到了这个政策的优点还有缺点。接下来是小编整理的中国人口问题英语作文,欢迎查看,希望对大家有所启发!中国人口问题英语作文【1】China has become a country wit...
保护环境污染英语作文_1500字 1年前环境围绕我们身边,例如:空气、水、动物、建筑等。它们从各个方面影响着我们的生活,与我们的生活密切相关,人们离开环境就无法生存。下面是小编为大家分享的保护环境污染英语作文,希望大家喜欢!保护环境污染英语作文篇1Today, as the development of the tec...
我的家庭英语作文_100字 1年前导语:家是人们最牵挂的地方,家是爱心的归宿;家是魂牵梦绕的爱巢。小编为你整理了关于作文,欢迎大家阅读。篇一:my family英语作文Every people has a family.Some are happy, some are bored, and some are un...
英语作文考试之我见_2000字 1年前My Views on Examinations 考试之我见tests will bring the examinees great pressure, which can affect their lives. A typical example of this is that...
秋高气爽的九月,我们迎来了开学第一天。下面是语文迷网为大家整理的开学第一天的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 【篇一】开学第一天 Now my holiday is over and I begin to study at school again .I had a very g...
my favourite animal is the panda,is our"national treasure",bacause pandas nive,lovable and lively, it was very likr it. panda is ...
My snmmer holiday was very exciting ,My mum took me to GuiLin last month. We had a good time there .I took a lot of photographs during my t...
The annual summer arrived, I was very happy. In order to complete the teacher the assignment, and Mr. Gong Good solid knowledge, particula...
导语:夏天大家要特别的注意健康问题。否则,会很容易生病的。下面是作文汇小编为备考的同学准备的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...
你有没有体验过乡村之旅呢?那是什么样的感觉?下面是语文迷网为大家整理的 A Trip to Countryside英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 篇1:A trip to countryside I went back to my hometown this summer ho...