
读书小学英语作文_300字 1年前Since I go to school, I learn so many words. It opens the gate for me to know more about the world. I can read many books, such as the novel...
My best friend My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift...
旅游不在乎终点,而是在意途中的人和事还有那些完美的记忆和景色。为大家分享了关于旅游的英语作文,欢迎借鉴!关于旅游的英语作文(一):I like travelling.If I have enough money and have limited time,I would join...
生命在于运动,运动是我们维持生命、完成任务、改造客观世界的基础。下面是语文网提供的我最喜欢的运动英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 篇一:My favorite sport There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as s...
二年级英语作文:逛书店_400字 1年前导语:书店是一个特别适合看书的地方,因为这里有一种学习氛围在,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...
导语:多吃蔬菜能使我们变得更加健康,下面是作文汇小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ...
春天来到了,花儿开的又红又大,像在比赛谁开的颜色最美丽又漂亮呢;小草己经长出又绿又嫩了;大树也不令外,长的高大又强壮。小鸟在大树上歌唱,小蜜蜂在花从中忙忙碌碌地工作,为人们酿造出甜甜的蜂蜜来。 Spring is coming, the large red flowers, ...
地球是我们的家园,我们应该保护地球。现在有的地区已经出现了泥石流、台风、森林火灾、河流污染、臭氧层破坏、空气污染……我们已经不断遭受来自大自然的惩罚。 The earth is our home, we should protect the ear...
Today is Labor Day I wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran has...
大家好!我叫***,在师范附属小学四年一班上学,今年十岁了。我个子不高,眼睛小了点儿,不过很有神,别人都夸我眉毛长得好看,黑黑的,弯弯的,确实给我的脸蛋增添了几分色彩。对了,我还长着一张小小的嘴,这要是女孩子,就用樱桃小嘴来形容就再恰当不过了。 Everybody is go...
小学生英语日记8则_2500字 1年前你有写英语日记的习惯吗,英语日记也是帮你提高英语成绩的一种方法,接下来小编搜集了小学生英语日记8则,仅供大家参考,希望帮助到大家。篇一:小学生英语日记I'm very happy today for I had the chance to help the old peo...
你是一个什么样的人?下面就用英语来给大家介绍一下你自己吧。 英语作文篇一:This is me Hello, everybody! My name is Michael. I'm a happy boy. Because I laugh every day. I ...
有一次,星期天的时候,我们老师组织了一次男女生篮球大赛。 One time, on Sunday, our teacher organized a boys and girls basketball contest. 我们分为两队,男生叫做猛龙队,女生叫做飞凤队。 比赛开始...
我热爱地球,热爱我们赖以生存的家园。爱她的青山绿水,爱她的碧草蓝天…… I love the earth, love for our homeland. Love her beautiful country scene, love her gree...
大家好,我叫周原,是个小学生,在上二年级。我的皮肤白白的,圆圆的脸上长着一双明亮的大眼睛。 Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Yuan, is a primary school student in grade two. My skin is w...
The Chinese New Year has a great history. In our past, people lived in an agricultural society and worked all year long. They only took a b...
导语:我是一个快乐的女生。我有一头乌黑亮丽的长发,一双大大的眼睛。重点是我很乐观,我很爱大笑。以下是小编为大家收集的一篇小学六年级英语作文:一个快乐的女孩。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 小学六年级英语作文:一个快乐的女孩 I'm a happy girl.My eng...
In the morning, as the alarm rings, came on Sunday. Our family still snoring sleep on the bed, doing their own dreams. Suddenly, my eyes, ...
假期生活 Life In VacationIt was a sun day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My little brother and I decided to go to the resrvoir to s...
导语:我们的元宵节是最热闹的。一大早,四面八方的鞭炮声就不绝于耳。下面是yjbys作文汇小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。 元宵节的英语作文_第1篇: Today is the Lantern Festival. In the evening, as usua...
寒假又来啦,放假虽然开心,但是也不要忘了学习呢,下面应届毕业生网为你精心准备了关于朋友的英语作文,仅供参考: My friend and I My name is Li BaoLing . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen Zi...
Waste of Food How many times I have seen a company or organisation habitually waste good food?! Too many times! They are well-meaning peop...
My Dream About Half-blood Prince Every little girl will have her dream about prince. I always dream of ...
二年级保护环境的英语作文_50字 1年前Now, patches of forest became less factories. Endless grassland into desert, limpid streams into a muddy gutter, beautiful grassland into a...
A semester has in the past, for a brief winter break. In this winter holiday, I also have a lot of new plans. In the final exam, my score ...
范文一: In summer, the weather is hot. We should drink more water, because we sweat a lot in hot days. But I prefer to eat fruits. Watermelon...
In life, in school, if you don't have friends, what would you do? Change is me, I will feel life is very boring, not happy at all. In ...
My home is on the first floor. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room. I’m a child. I have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom...
Hello, I'm Ni Minya. I'm going to have a happy weekend! On Saturday, I'm going to visit my uncle. He lives in a small country....
During a long vacation, I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums. Such as the art museum, the history museum...