  • 一、记叙文的特点1.叙述的人称英语的记叙文一般是以第一或第三人称的角度来叙述的。用第一称表示的是由叙述者亲眼所见、亲耳所闻的经历。它的优点在于能把故事的情节通过“我”来传达给读者,使人读后感到真实可信,如身临其境。如: The other day, I w...
  • My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and...
  • 在与伴侣动物朝夕相处的过程中,儿童不仅可以培养起责任心,而且还能够使他们从小亲近自然,爱护、关心、体贴他人、与人分享自己的欢乐。下面是描写宠物的英语作文,希望对你有帮助。 英语作文1:My Pet I have a lovely pet. It's a small ...
  • We all know that it is not easy to find a suitable work in the present society. But at the same time, more and more companies say the pheno...
  • 【导语】YJBYS小编给同学们汇总了小学五年级英语作文,在我们考试中是经常可以遇到的,希望同学们学习后能有所帮助。更多小学五年级英语资料尽在YJBYS。 My Birthday Party Every year, when it’s birt...
  • 我可爱的父亲I have a busy father . He works in a big office .He has a big company.He is busy every day . He has many thing to do .He has no time t...
  • 重阳节,又称登高节,为农历九月初九。在重阳节这天,传统的饮食是重阳糕、菊花(chrysanthemum)酒、菊花茶。登高、插茱萸(cornel)和赏菊是重阳节的重要习俗。这些活动不仅增加了重阳节的节日气氛,而且据说通过这些活动,还可以避祸免灾。如今,重阳节已经无法见到插茱萸的风俗...
  • “人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。”秋天好像被赋予上了忧伤的气息,下面整理了关于描写秋天英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助!描写秋天英语作文1秋天带着一身金黄,迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到了我们身边。Autumn, with a golden body, walked with ligh...
  • While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistentby all accounts. Different cultures view Ha...
  • 参考范文: Oh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these book...
  • Once a Chinese emperor had a nightingale That kept him very happy day and night. The nightingale sang beautiful songs that kep...
  • The bell rang and the class was over. Many classmates jumped up from the seat. The classroom became noisy. Some students went ...

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